Dive into the gripping tension of World War II with “So Long, Sister,” a thrilling short story by Justin Case, expertly narrated by Mike Vendetti. Set against the treacherous backdrop of the Bering Sea, this tale unfolds as a Navy PBY submarine chaser goes down, leaving its courageous crew adrift in the freezing waters.
Experience the complex dynamics between the pilot and his enigmatic copilot—two fearless aviators bound by war and divided by betrayal. The shadow of a tumultuous past looms large: the copilot’s affair with the pilot’s wife might just provide the perfect opportunity for revenge.
But as survival hangs in the balance, deeper truths and unexpected twists emerge from the icy depths. Prepare for an unforgettable journey filled with suspense, intrigue, and the relentless struggle for redemption. Don't miss out—tune in and discover what lies beneath the surface in “So Long, Sister.”